Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A shield

Alhamdulillah, today Allah blessed me with two things in terms of menahan diri dari perkara yang memalukan. 

1. A male friend of mine offered to take my bags home with him as we live quite near among the warden's house. Even before that, he offered to give me a ride to the dining hall for lunch. If not i would be walking a 5minute-distance. Alhamdulilah, Allah give me some courage n guide to turn down the offer. Thank you btw friend. Lebih rela aku jalan kaki 5 minit dari naik kereta berdua 2-3 minit semata-mata nak senang utk makan. 5 minit yg Allah redha lebih bermkna, dri 2-3 minit yg syubhah. Thank you Allah for protecting me from doing shameless thing. 

2. After taking my lunch at the counter, i was searching for a seat. Usually teachers/wardens would sit at this one  special table for them, together. Well, the table have five seaters and 4 were already occupied with male teachers and an ustaz.  I was so embarrased to sit with them, so i decided to eat at the students' table quite faraway from them. Even my friend shouted, " weyh munal, apahal kau makan jauh sngt ? " i just smiled back. Huhu. Even till now i was so glad i didnt join them at the table. If ever i did it, i would think it as, 4 org laki n stu perempuan share stu meja bulat yg agak kecik? N rapat2 jugak tu? Huuu segan sungguh cmtu. Well, actually i did join a mixed group before, but there were only 3 male teachers and 2 female teachers including me. So i thought that was still ok, back then. I would think it as quite improper by now. Huhu. Terpaksa yg rtu. Wuuu..

 Ya Allah, thank you for saving me.
I asked You to grant me taqwa, so that i can shield myself from getting Your anger. And You guide my heart to do what was the most honourable thing. 

Alhamdulillah. All praise be to Allah. 


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