Friday, November 15, 2013


Everyone has voice.

Freedom of choice.

Even God give us freedom of choice - to follow Him, or to disagree with Him.
But you could be an ignorant person, like you choose to disobey with your boss. Don't you realize you work for him?
Ok, nevertheless, giving this example is nowhere near the truth. How can I compare thee to a summer ...
(It's weird how people admire art piece of human,Sonnet 18, but never appreciate the art written by God himself. )

Ah, I want to rant everything in this single post. Been thinking about several things already.

Daie, you need voice You need to speak up. There many things already, but have you tried being one?
For I am many? What was that all about?

The world is created with many things. For our own convenient. Like when you are baking. There are eggs, flour,chocolate powder, butter, yeast and whatnot. You just have to choose on your own what you are going to do with that. It's gonna be a big mistake if you take those items into a car workshop. Hey, you are doing all wrong.

It's true, I am many.
For the prophet is the most gentle and loving with the believers.
But when it comes to the enemy and the non-believers, he is the most strongest and bravest person ever.

Problem arise when people confuse substance with method.
The substance is peace, but method could be anything to attain peace.

When things are not in their supposed places, spell the situation then,  with INJUSTICE.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Written by the same hand

Our life stories...
The world's history...

Dalam muqaddimah fi zilal, Sayyid Qutb  mencakna bahawa Al-Quran memberi 3hakikat kehidupan. 

Salah satu hakikat itu adalah hakikat alam itu berseiringan dengan manusia. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Influence from the character

For I have so many things to say.

I have just read one of the stories in the book posted below.
It says how a person could behave like the character in the book he read. The person behave  for a month thinking that he's the character.
Oh well, I did it once or twice not long ago.
When I read the stories that are similar to mine, I would tend to imitate the characters' behavior. Adopting his way of viewing things around him. Even though in real world, they are different from mine.

Is not it amazing?
How people can imitate what they read?

Kalau macam tu, kan sangat bagus kalau ada buku yang tulis pasal character nabi or someone imitating Nabi, and people could follow and imitate it all along.

Macam aku ni, I know I have temper. But since I went through tarbiyah, my anger my temper starts slowing down. dah kurang sikit marah-marah. tapi ni dah lama tak pergi usrah, aku asyik nak marah-marah saja.

I even read the book VT, about this one character, Asyraf who got temper. I feel my life's just like him. I true enough, sometime later I adapted how this character view life. I got calmed down a bit.

Daie, menulis lah.

Dunia penulisan cereka is short of you.
When this kind of writing that touches the hearts of many.

The world of reading

"To engage in private, and to exchange in public"

This is how a fikrah book should be read. 

Spread the fikrah. Embrace the thought with action.

The world will come out in peace. 

Friday, November 8, 2013


Entah, merasakan penulisan menggunakan ejaan penuh melambangkan peribadi seseorang.

Dulu selesa menggunakan singkatan.
Tapi sekarang serasa macam tak tenang melihat perkatan-perkatan yang tidak penuh.
Kadang-kadang rasa sukar nak membaca apatah lagi memahami.

Kini lebih mahu dan gemar guna ejaan penuh.

Sudah tua mungkin? =P

Monday, November 4, 2013

After years

After years, now only i really jump into the real world. I was the people i met before.
I remembered the years when i cared for nobody. I dont want to be friend with anyone, even though they offered me the friendship. Because i dont want my heart to ache. 

-to be continued-

Of more

I'm goinh to write more. Write soothes the mind. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A shield

Alhamdulillah, today Allah blessed me with two things in terms of menahan diri dari perkara yang memalukan. 

1. A male friend of mine offered to take my bags home with him as we live quite near among the warden's house. Even before that, he offered to give me a ride to the dining hall for lunch. If not i would be walking a 5minute-distance. Alhamdulilah, Allah give me some courage n guide to turn down the offer. Thank you btw friend. Lebih rela aku jalan kaki 5 minit dari naik kereta berdua 2-3 minit semata-mata nak senang utk makan. 5 minit yg Allah redha lebih bermkna, dri 2-3 minit yg syubhah. Thank you Allah for protecting me from doing shameless thing. 

2. After taking my lunch at the counter, i was searching for a seat. Usually teachers/wardens would sit at this one  special table for them, together. Well, the table have five seaters and 4 were already occupied with male teachers and an ustaz.  I was so embarrased to sit with them, so i decided to eat at the students' table quite faraway from them. Even my friend shouted, " weyh munal, apahal kau makan jauh sngt ? " i just smiled back. Huhu. Even till now i was so glad i didnt join them at the table. If ever i did it, i would think it as, 4 org laki n stu perempuan share stu meja bulat yg agak kecik? N rapat2 jugak tu? Huuu segan sungguh cmtu. Well, actually i did join a mixed group before, but there were only 3 male teachers and 2 female teachers including me. So i thought that was still ok, back then. I would think it as quite improper by now. Huhu. Terpaksa yg rtu. Wuuu..

 Ya Allah, thank you for saving me.
I asked You to grant me taqwa, so that i can shield myself from getting Your anger. And You guide my heart to do what was the most honourable thing. 

Alhamdulillah. All praise be to Allah. 


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

bukan masanya lagi

Bersabarlah sedikit lagi.

kau belum cukup kuat untuk menzahirkan keislaman mu.

jika kau zahirkan sekarang, kau hanya akan merosakkan dakwah ini.

bina diri mu dahulu, bina iman mu dahulu, hiasi akhlak mu dahulu.

bila manusia telah melihat buktinya dan tertanya-tanya,

itulah masa nya kau umum kan pada dunia siapa diri mu.

tapi, sehingga tiba nya saat itu,


Sunday, August 25, 2013


Perjalanan yg menggoncang iman di jiwa

Dalam perjalanan dengar surah ahzab 
"زلزل زلزالا شديدا"

- hati mereka digoncanf dengan goncangan yg kuat-

My way for tarbiyah was accompanied with few shakes..tergoncang dengan ketakutan. 

The first shake- at the station bus
Ada dua hamba Allah yang Allah uji mereka dengan aqal. Allah ambil semula kebolehan mereka 
- fisrt takut, sbb rasa x slmat, they can do us anything but not get accountable for it. 
- second rsa kesian, because they looked abondoned, and people were smirking at them. Where are the families? The children? 
- stu nikmat trtbesar yg Allah trik.  It made me think, i got this aqal Allah gavr me, so i should use it at its best. Kdg kite terlupa, dgn nikmat aqal ni lah kita boleh bezakan yg baik dgn yg buruk. Tpi kita x nk guna aqal ni sebaiknya sbb walaupun kita tahu bnda tu x elok, kita still buat jugak. So imagine if Allah takes it back? What will we become? 

Second shake - sbb takut atas bus tu, ape2 jadi, sikit org ja atas bus. Bhaya, risau , semua ada. One thought came to me" if i was scared enough, i wont go  to ipoh alone anymore". But i still want this tarbiyah. So i'll find other ways to get the tarbiyah. If not possible, i'll have to bear it, and Put my hope to Allah, to protect me all the way. Tawakkaltu alallah.  After i hve put all human effort together.

Third shake-  well the condition of the bus. It was way beyond the comfort. What a woman wants on thr weekend, travelling alone on a bus like this? Grumpy and bumpy all the time. The bus looks like it has another 1 year to live due to leuchemia. 

What a journey. I made a promis, to tarbiyaj myself out of my comfort zone. So this is me trying to reach Allah's mercy outside my comfort zone. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Daie guru

Apa beza daie guru dengan guru daie?

Daie guru- kerja utama mengajak org kepada Allah tpi berjawatan guru dalam masyarakat

Guru daie- kerja utama mengajar org, and sometimes mengajak org kepada Allah. 

Nampak ada beza? 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Ikrar seorang hamba

rehat tu ada dalam dakwah, dalam tarbiah..

hidupku, matiku, hanya untuk dakwah dan tarbiyah demi redha-Mu.
mengembalikan semua manusia di muka bumi ini untuk menyembah

hanya satu Tuhan yang benar-benar layak disembah.
La ilaha illallah.
Allahuakbar walillahilhamd.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Belaian mathurat

Setiap pagi dan petang, pasti zikir mathurat akan kita alunkan..
Melalui kalimah-kalimah yang memuji keesaan Allah,
Memuji dan mengikrarkan bahawa bumi dan langit itu milik-Nya,
Kalimah terindah selepas kita bangun dari tidur yang panjang.
Alangkah indahnya hari-hari kita, bila dimulakan dengan kalimah-kalimah agung.
Kalimah yang menjadi peringatn dan panduan utk kita mengemudi perjalanan hari kita.

Manis nya rasa bila kita bangun di kala pagi, Allah lah kita puji kerana telah mengurniakan pada kita nikmat hidup utk terus beramal dan beribadah pada -Nya.
Manis rasanya, bila dibelai dengan peringatn mathurat memohon perlindungan dari sedih, gelisah, malas, lemas, takut dan penganiayaan orang lain..

Kita manusia kan? Lemah dan banyak ketakutan..

Itulah rasul mulia menunjukkan bimbingan
Dengan tinggalan doa-doa yang mathur...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hamba yang benar

aku mintak dengan Allah, kekuatan untuk buat apa yang aku tahu..untuk terus buat ilmu yg aku dapat..sebab perkataan yg benar adalah perkataan yg dibenarkan dengan perbuatan..kalau tak, ia masih belum betullah, if you are true to your words, people'll see it in your actions...

aku tahu aku lemah, hina, tak mampu buat semua..letih cepat, tak kuat dan macam-macam lagi..
but i want this road, i wanna meet my Lord..aku hamba Allah, aku nk jumpa Allah, aku milik Allah..
kalau aku jahat sekali pun, aku still akan jumpa Allah at the end,
tapi dalam keadaan yang tak seronok, yang terseksa..
so i have to choose i how live in this dunya, to be able to live in peace in the forever life.

Ya Allah, aku memohon pertolongan untuk buat semua ni, untuk jadi hamba Mu yg benar..

oh,  satu lagi thought
- kita ni suka asscociate diri kita dengan benda-benda hebat..
contoh, kita duduk satu taman dengan dr fadxilah kamsah..kita suka connection tu.
-tapi ada something yang lagi hebat, yang paling hebat dari tu dan paling2 hebat dari segala apa yg ada dunia ni..


Allah lebih hebat dari segala-gala nya..sebab Dia pemilik segala2 nya.
and how far kita bangga dan suka untuk associate diri kita dengan Allah..? kita hamba Allah kn? suka tak jadi hamba Allah..hamba Tuhan yang Maha Hebat, Maha penyayang, Maha Kuasa, Maha Mengetahui..

aku ...
suka jadi hamba Allah,..

Ya Allah, kurniakanlah kami kekuatan dan keikhlasan jiwa untuk menjadi hamba-Mu yang benar